Church Video Systems

Church Video Presentation Systems

There are so many products available from countless suppliers, but is there a clear understanding of what you need and what type of video system which is powerful, flexible and easy enough for the church volunteer to operate? We understand the short comings of so many video products sold to churches each year. Proper video system design with the correct installation equipment is paramount for success.

Church Video Camera Live Streaming Systems

Now with live video streaming being a must for so many churches, determining the correct approach within a sea of equipment available on the market, is a daunting task.  We take the wasted time of experimentation and failed equipment choices by providing proven successful camera live streaming video designs.  When you work with a church A/V integrator, we will select the correct video camera equipment and insure it is properly installed, tested and operational ready for your volunteers.  Complete on-site training and support is not an option, it is always included.


Church Video System

If your church is serious about video presentation, or video live streaming success, we are available to serve you.

For more information please call us at 1-800-528-2313 or (705) 887-6677 or e-mail us at